Eclipse BIRT Report Object Model (ROM)

CascadingParameterGroup Element

Element Overview

Visual grouping of report cascading parameters.


Display Name: Cascading Parameter Group
Since: 2.0
XML Element: cascading-parameter-group
Extends: ParameterGroup
Extendable: Yes
Abstract: No
Name Space: Parameters
Name Requirement: Required
Allows User Properties: Yes
Has Style: No

Property Summary

The name of the data set that provides data for the dynamic parameters within the group.

Slot Summary

The set of parameters that appear inside the cascading parameter group.

Inherited Properties

comments, customXml, displayName, displayNameID, eventHandlerClass, extends, helpText, helpTextID, name, newHandlerOnEachEvent, promptText, promptTextID, propertyMasks, startExpanded, userProperties, viewAction


A parameter group creates a visual grouping of dynamic parameters, value of a paticular parameter depends on the value of some other value. These parameters within the group are called cascading parameters.

The developer controls the order that parameters appear in the group. The values of of the cascading parameters will be displayed as dynamically populated lists, and they will be displayed in the same order in which they are defined in the group.

The parameters in the cascading parameter group share a same data set.

Property Detail

dataSet Property

The name of the data set that provides data for the dynamic parameters within the group.


Type: DataSet Reference
Since: 2.0
Required: No
Display Name: Data set
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


The name of the data set that provides data for the dynamic parameters within the group. Parameters in a cascading parameter group share a same data set.

dataSetMode Property


Type: choice (dataSetMode)
Since: 2.1
Required: No
Display Name: Single or multiple data sets
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: single
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


NameDisplay Name ValueDescription
single Single data set single
multiple Multiple data set multiple

Slot Detail

parameters Slot

The set of parameters that appear inside the cascading parameter group.


Display Name: Parameters
Since: 2.0
XML Element: parameters
Contents: List of ScalarParameter


The set of parameters that appear inside the cascading parameter group. Each parameter is a "dynamic" type, the available values of the parameter is data-driven. UI should ignore an empty group. Parameters appear in the UI in the same order that they are defined in the group.