Eclipse BIRT Report Object Model (ROM)

UserProperty Structure

Structure Overview

Defines a user-defined property.


Display Name: UserProperty
Since: 1.0

Property Summary

The display name of the user-defined property. Can be externalized.
The internal name of the property.
The data type of a user-defined property.


This structure defines a user-defined property. The user defined property acts just like a system-defined property. It appears in the ERD’s property sheet, and it is available at runtime for use in scripts.

A property has an internal name, which is used in the property element in the XML file, and is used in scripting. It also has an optional display name that appears in the GUI. The display name can be externalized and translated. If no display name is provided, then the internal name is shown to the user.

A user-defined property also has a type. The available types are shown below. If the type is "Choice", then a list of available choices is also required.

Set an optional default value using the property value element.

Supported in ROM in the first release, but not in the BIRT Report Designer.

Property Detail

displayName Property

The display name of the user-defined property. Can be externalized.


Type: string
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Display Name
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Runtime Settable: Yes


The name to show for this element in the UI. Display names are most often used for components put into libraries or templates, or that will be used for the future web reporting tool. The name can be externalized.

See Also

Static Text ROM data type

displayNameID Property


Type: resourceKey
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Display Name Key
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Runtime Settable: Yes

isVisible Property


Type: boolean
Since: 2.2
Required: No
Display Name: Is Visible
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: true
Runtime Settable: Yes

name Property

The internal name of the property.


Type: string
Since: 1.0
Required: Yes
Display Name: Name
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Runtime Settable: Yes


Each property has an internal name. This is the name used when saving the property to the XML file, and when accessing the property though scripts. The name must be unique within the properties for this element. The name must be a valid JavaScript identifier; it cannot contain spaces or punctuation.

type Property

The data type of a user-defined property.


Type: string
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Type
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Runtime Settable: Yes


The type of property. The default is String. Must be one of the defined ROM property types.

Display Name XML Name JavaScript Type of Property Value Description
String string String Simple data types
Number number Number
Integer integer Number
Float float Number
Date-Time date-time Date
Boolean boolean Boolean
Expression expression any A ROM expression. Can reference columns, aggregates and so on.
Choice choice String A fixed set of choices defined by the developer. See the ChoiceDefn structure below.
Text text TextDefn An externalized string. The property value contains the resource key.
Dimension dimension String A ROM dimension with optional type suffix.
Color color String A value that is an RGB color value in CSS, XML or Java format, or one of the recognized CSS or report-defined color names.
HTML html TextDefn Text with embedded HTML formatting.
URI uri String A string that gives a Uniform Resource Indicator (URI).
XML xml String