Eclipse BIRT Report Object Model (ROM)

JointDataSet Element

Element Overview

Represents a data set joined by serveral data sets on respective join conditions.


Display Name: Joint Data Set
Since: 2.1
XML Element: joint-data-set
Extends: DataSet
Extendable: Yes
Abstract: No
Name Space: Data Sets
Name Requirement: Required
Allows User Properties: Yes
Has Style: No

Property Summary

The join conditions on which the source data sets joined.
Defines the columns of the expected result set.

Inherited Properties

cachedMetaData, columnHints, comments, computedColumns, customXml, displayName, displayNameID, eventHandlerClass, extends, filter, name, needsCache, newHandlerOnEachEvent, parameters, propertyMasks, resultSetHints, rowFetchLimit, sortHints, userProperties, viewAction


The name of the data sets by which this joint data set is joined. These data sets are defined by DataSet element.

See Also

DataSet element in the ROM Styles Specification.


Property Detail

dataSets Property


Type: list
Since: 2.1
Required: No
Display Name: Data sets
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: Yes
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top

joinConditions Property

The join conditions on which the source data sets joined.


Type: List of JoinCondition Structures
Since: 2.1
Required: No
Display Name: Join conditions
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: Yes
Property Sheet Visibility: Hidden
Property Sheet Group: Top


The join conditions on which the source data sets joined. Each join condition specify two data sets, which join on this condition, and the type of this join. The left expression, right expression and operator constitute the condition.

See Also

DataSetParam structure

ParamBinding structure

resultSet Property

Defines the columns of the expected result set.


Type: List of ResultSetColumn Structures
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Result set columns
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: Yes
Property Sheet Visibility: Hidden
Property Sheet Group: Top


Defines the data access attributes of the list of columns in the expected primary result set. This is an optional list of result set column definitions, used only when the underlying data provider cannot provide this information. When contradicting meta-data are found between those provided dynamically by a data provider and those specified in a data set definition, the data provider�s meta-data takes precedence.

See Also

ResultSetColumn structure