Eclipse BIRT Report Object Model (ROM)

ScalarParameter Element

Element Overview

Defines a simple single-value parameter.


Display Name: ScalarParameter
Since: 1.0
XML Element: scalar-parameter
Extends: AbstractScalarParameter
Extendable: Yes
Abstract: No
Name Space: Parameters
Name Requirement: Required
Allows User Properties: Yes
Has Style: No

Property Summary

How the items should appear in the UI. Choices are auto (default), left, center or right.
Bindings the data set column and expressions with the property values..
Hides the user’s entry by displaying asterisks or similar characters. Often used for passwords.
The suggested type of UI control to use when displaying the parameter.
Whether to display the list sorted in unsorted (fixed) order.
Formatting pattern for showing the parameter in the UI.
If true, then the value that the user provides must match one of the values in the static or dynamic selection list.

Method Summary


Inherited Properties

comments, customXml, dataSetName, dataType, defaultValue, displayName, displayNameID, distinct, eventHandlerClass, extends, helpText, helpTextID, hidden, isRequired, labelExpr, listLimit, name, newHandlerOnEachEvent, promptText, promptTextID, propertyMasks, selectionList, sortBy, sortByColumn, sortDirection, userProperties, valueExpr, valueType, viewAction

Inherited Methods



The data type for the parameter. The data type controls how the Requester formats, parses and validates the parameter. Every type can optionally provide a choice list. And, the parameter can require that the user select one of the choices.

See Also

selectionList property

defaultValue property

Property Detail

alignment Property

How the items should appear in the UI. Choices are auto (default), left, center or right.


Type: choice (scalarParamAlign)
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Alignment
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: auto
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


NameDisplay Name ValueDescription
auto Auto auto Numbers are left aligned, all others are right aligned.
left Left left Values are left-aligned.
center Center center Values are centered.
right Right right Values are right-aligned.


The parameter selection list provides a developer-defined list of choices. Every choice has two parts: a choice and a label. The label can be externalized and appears in the UI. The choice is the value passed to the report. For example, labels may be "Open? and "Closed?, while the values are ?0? and ?1?.

The items in the list are of the type given by the parameter data type.

See Also

mustMatch property

fixedOrder property

controlType property

autoSuggestThreshold Property


Type: integer
Since: 2.3
Required: No
Display Name: Auto suggest threshold
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: 1
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: Yes
Property Sheet Visibility: Hidden
Property Sheet Group: Top

boundDataColumns Property

Bindings the data set column and expressions with the property values..


Type: List of ComputedColumn Structures
Since: 2.1
Required: No
Display Name: Bound data columns
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: Yes
Property Sheet Visibility: Hidden
Property Sheet Group: Top


Property values of a scalar parameter can bind to a data set column through bound data columns' names. If a data set column or expression are not bound in the data columns, the exeuction of the expression fails.

See Also


concealValue Property

Hides the user’s entry by displaying asterisks or similar characters. Often used for passwords.


Type: boolean
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Conceal value
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: false
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


Type of the parameter, can be static or dynamic

See Also


List limitation number.

controlType Property

The suggested type of UI control to use when displaying the parameter.


Type: choice (paramControl)
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Control type
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


NameDisplay Name ValueDescription
text-box Text Box text-box The user can type in the value.
list-box Combo/List Box list-box Requires a list of choices: static or dynamic. Shown as a list box if set of choices are fixed, combo-box if set of choices is open.
radio-button Radio Button radio-button Only allowed for a fixed set of choices.
check-box Check Box check-box Only for Boolean values
auto-suggest Text Box - Auto Suggest auto-suggest


The suggested type of UI control to use when displaying the parameter. The default depends on the parameter properties:

The list-box control is rendered in the UI depending on the value of the mustMatch property. If mustMatch is true, then the user much choose a value from the list, and the control is rendered as a UI list box. However, if mustMatch is false, then the user can chose an item from the list, or type in a different value, and the control is rendered as a UI combo box.

See Also

mustMatch property

fixedOrder Property

Whether to display the list sorted in unsorted (fixed) order.


Type: boolean
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Fixed order
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: true
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Selection list


An expression on the data row from the dynamic list data set that returns the prompt for the choice. If omitted, then BIRT uses the value as the label.

See Also


format Property

Formatting pattern for showing the parameter in the UI.


Type: ParameterFormatValue Structure
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Format
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: None
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Hidden
Property Sheet Group: Top


Formatting instructions for the parameter value within the parameter UI. For UIs that are able to show formatted parameter values, provides a BIRT format used to display the value. The format is dropped, and the unformatted value presented, when the user edits the parameter value.

Formatting instructions for the parameter value within the parameter UI. By default the UI should use the following rules:

The format string must be one of the valid BIRT format strings (see the Style element for a list.) The format is used by the UI to display the value after the user moves away from a field. For example, to format a number as a dollar amount.

mustMatch Property

If true, then the value that the user provides must match one of the values in the static or dynamic selection list.


Type: boolean
Since: 1.0
Required: No
Display Name: Must match
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: true
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Selection list


If true, then the value that the user provides must match one of the values in the list. If false, then the values in the list are a reference; the use can enter additional values as well. Ignored if the property does not have a selection list.

paramType Property


Type: choice (scalarParamType)
Since: 2.2
Required: No
Display Name: Scalar parameter type
JavaScript Type:
Default Value: simple
Inherited: Yes
Runtime Settable: No
Property Sheet Visibility: Visible
Property Sheet Group: Top


NameDisplay Name ValueDescription
simple Simple simple
multi-value Multi Value multi-value

Method Detail

getDefaultValueList Method


list obj.getDefaultValueList( )


Since: 2.5
Context: factory
Arguments: None
Return Type: list

getSelectionValueList Method


list obj.getSelectionValueList( )


Since: 2.5
Context: factory
Arguments: None
Return Type: list