Using the Actuate JavaScript API in chart themes
BIRT reports support adding themes to a chart to apply common elements to similar charts. Access chart themes by exporting and then editing a theme or by creating a new theme. Implement Actuate JavaScript API functions within specific theme elements or in the script feature of the theme.
A chart theme supports executing a script before or after certain events, such as before rendering the chart. For example, you can add scripts for beforeGeneration, beforeRendering, beforeDrawAxis, beforeDrawSeries, beforeDrawDataPoint, and afterRendering when editing a chart theme, as shown in Figure 2-12.
Figure 22-16 Chart showing a ToolTip
Figure 2-12  
In an HTML5 chart, you can use the classes to alter the report display. For example, to render every data point in the series that is greater than avgValue in a green color, use code similar to the following:
beforeDrawSeries: function(series, seriesOptions, tempChart, seriesIndex){
  for ( var i = 0; i <; i++ )  {
    // Find out if this data point is above average
    if ([i].y <= aveValue )    {
      // The data point is above average. Color it green
      var pointOptions =[i];
      pointOptions.color = 'green';

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