NetScaler Web Logging (NSWL) query
A type of SQL query that tracks HTTP data traffic and writes information to a log file in a standard format such as the following example:
Select * from [Demo].[Household]
where [Demo].[Household].[Town]='LONDON';
Related terms
BIRT Analytics Administration, query, security filter, SQL (Structured Query Language)
normal distribution
A bell‑shaped, single‑peaked, symmetric distribution of data. In a normal distribution, the mean, mode, and median coincide at the center.
Related term
standard normal distribution
Numeric Ranges
A tool that supports creating a calculated field that includes a series of ranges into which data from numeric fields is grouped. For example, Numeric Ranges supports defining the following age ranges: Young - for age values less than 21, Adult - for age values 21 through 67, and Old - for age values greater than or equal to 67.
Related terms
calculated field, field