Designing reports using BIRT Studio : Editing and formatting report content : Editing and formatting options
Editing and formatting options
The template you choose determines the basic layout of your report, and the items available in the report design. Report items can include common elements, such as a report title, page numbers, report‑creation date, and a table in which to display report data. You select which report items to include in a report design.
A typical template contains some editable report items, and some non‑editable items. Examples of editable items include report titles or tables in which you insert data. Examples of non‑editable items include standard copyright or confidentiality statements.
A typical template also defines the style of a report—the color schemes, fonts, spacing and alignment, page size, and other presentation aspects. A template also can provide multiple sets of styles called themes, which you use to change the appearance of a report with one click. A template serves as a basis for reports and supports the developer changing specific report elements such as page size, column width, or font size.
This section describes the editing and formatting tasks you can perform using the default installation of BIRT Studio. Some editing or formatting functionality might not be available to you if your system administrator configured BIRT Studio to omit that functionality.