Finds the location of a substring in a string.
FIND(target, source)
FIND(target, source, index)
The substring to search for. The search is case‑sensitive.
The string in which to search.
The position in str where the search starts.
The numerical position of the substring in the string. The first character of a string starts at 1. If the substring is not found, FIND( ) returns 0.
The following example searches for the substring, Ford, in each ProductName value:
FIND("Ford", [ProductName])
If the product name is 1969 Ford Falcon, FIND( ) returns 6.
The following example searches for the first hyphen (‑) in each product code:
FIND("‑", [ProductCode])
If the product code is ModelA‑1234‑567, FIND( ) returns 7.
The following example uses FIND( ) in conjunction with the LEFT( ) function to display the characters that precede the hyphen in a product code. The LEFT( ) function extracts a substring of a specified length, starting from the first character. In this example, the length of the substring to display is equal to the numerical position of the hyphen character.
LEFT([ProductCode], FIND("‑", [ProductCode]))
If the product code is ModelA‑1234, the expression returns the following string: