| Creating a Flash chart and gadget |
The procedure for creating a Flash chart and gadget is the same as the procedure for creating a BIRT chart. To create a Flash chart or gadget, perform the following tasks:
Drag the Flash chart or Flash gadget element from the palette and drop it in the report.
Choose a type of chart or gadget.
Specify the data to present in the chart or gadget.
Format the chart or gadget.
The formatting options available to the Flash elements are different from the formatting options available to BIRT charts. While many of the chart parts and formatting attributes are the same, Flash lets you add animation and special visual effects to parts of a chart or gadget.
This chapter describes the formatting options that are unique to Flash charts and gadgets. Flash gadgets are covered in more detail because gadgets have features that differ from those in a BIRT chart. For information about the different chart types, specifying data for a chart, and using the standard formatting options, see BIRT: A Field Guide.