Task 6: Animate the sales value
In this procedure, animate the sales value to move it from the top of the gauge to its final position above the needle.
1 In Effects, in Effect Target, select Value.
2 Choose Add to create a new effect.
3 In Add New Effect, type the following text as the name of the effect, then choose OK:
Animate Vertically
4 Specify the following animation values:
Select Enable.
In Attribute to Animate, select Y co-ordinate.
In Start Value, select Chart Start Y.
In Duration, type 2.
In Type, select Linear.
5 Choose OK to save the effect, then choose OK to close Effect.
6 Display the sales value above the needle.
1 In the Format Gadget page, choose General.
2 In Properties, next to Show Needle Value, select Above Needle.