Deploying BIRT reports to iHub
About deploying BIRT reports
This section describes how to run and distribute BIRT reports in the Actuate business reporting system. To deploy BIRT reports, you need to understand the environment in which the reports run.
iHub provides a central location from which business users can access, run, and view reports. You can also use Actuate Information Console to run report executables, and to manage, generate, view, and print report documents.
Actuate BIRT Designer Professional, the tool that you use to develop BIRT reports, has built-in capabilities that facilitate the deployment process. The Actuate BIRT Designer integrates with iHub in several important ways to support performing the following tasks:
*Use an open data access (ODA) information object data source that resides on an Encyclopedia volume.
*Publish a report design to an Encyclopedia volume.
*Publish a resource to an Encyclopedia volume.
*Install a custom JDBC driver for use by BIRT reports running in the iHub environment.
A user accesses BIRT Studio from Actuate Information Console. BIRT Studio is a licensed option of iHub. To deploy templates and reports to BIRT Studio you use the deployment features available in Actuate BIRT Designer Professional. The following sections describe these capabilities.