| Publishing a report resource to iHub |
BIRT reports frequently use files with additional information to present report data to the users. A BIRT resource is any of the following items:
Static image that a BIRT report design uses
Report library
Properties file
Report template
Data object
CSS file
External JavaScript file
SWF file of a Flash object
Java event handler class packaged as a Java archive (JAR) file
You can publish BIRT resources from the BIRT Designer Professional’s local resource folder to iHub. By default, the Resource folder is the current report project folder. If you use shared resources with other developers and the resource files for your reports are stored in a different folder, you can change the default Resource folder. Use Windows➛Preferences➛Report Design➛Resource menu to set the resource folder.
In the Encyclopedia volume, the Resource folder is set to /Resources by default. In the sample Encyclopedia volume, the /Public folder contains sample reports. The libraries and templates used by these sample reports are stored in the /Resources folder.
If the resource folder in the Encyclopedia volume is different from the default, before publishing a resource, you need to set up the Resource folder in the Encyclopedia volume.