Planning the page layout
Before designing a page layout, preview the report in the desired output format, and decide what changes, if any, to make to the default page layout. Consider the following design issues:

Decide for which output format you are designing a page layout. A report design renders differently in the different output formats.

For an HTML report, an important decision is whether the report appears on a single scrollable page or on multiple pages in the report viewer. A single page is typical for online viewing, but, if the report is very long, displaying the report on multiple pages in the report viewer might be more suitable. If you choose to display an HTML report on a single page, decide if a master page is necessary. For instance, it does not make sense to display a page number for a one-page report.

For output formats that support pagination, such as PDF and DOC, decide the page dimensions, including paper size, margin sizes, header size, footer size, and page orientation. The default master page uses US letter size (8.5" x 11"). If developing a report for a locale that typically uses A4 paper, change the page size.

Decide the design of the master page. The default page layout displays the report-generation date in the bottom left corner of every page. You typically customize the master page to reflect a corporate style or to provide additional information, such as a company logo or a confidentiality statement. You can design a different master page for different output formats by displaying elements for one output and hiding them for another. You can also design and use different master pages in a single report.