Clustering : About the configuration home directory
About the configuration home directory
The configuration home directory is the directory that holds the configuration file, acserverconfig.xml, and the licensing file, acserverlicense.xml.
The acserverconfig.xml file contains the information for connecting to Encyclopedia volumes and printers, message distribution state, configuration settings for Factory, View, Integration, and Caching services, the location of partitions, and licensing and open security information.
In a cluster, acserverconfig.xml plays a central role in the operation of cluster nodes. The file includes server templates for various server roles with each template containing configuration information for connecting to Encyclopedia volumes, printers, and services for all the nodes in the cluster. When a node joins a cluster, it first configures itself using its template in the acserverconfig.xml file located in the shared directory.
The acserverconfig.xml file is located by default in AC_DATA_HOME/config/iHub2. This directory is referred to as the configuration home directory. Make the configuration home directory sharable to allow cluster nodes access to this file. To specify the location of this directory for each node, modify the value of the <AC_CONFIG_HOME> element located in acpmdconfig.xml, which by default is located in AC_SERVER_HOME/etc of the node.
How to change the location of the configuration home directory
To change the location of the configuration home directory containing acserverconfig.xml and acserverlicense.xml, perform the following tasks:
1 Shut down all cluster nodes.
2 Stop the Actuate BIRT iHub service on each node.
3 Back up the configuration home directory.
4 Move the configuration folder to the new destination.
5 Share the configuration folder.
6 For every node dependent on this configuration home directory, update the <AC_CONFIG_HOME> element located in the node’s acpmdconfig.xml file.
7 Start Actuate BIRT iHub service for each node.