Clustering : Creating a cluster
Creating a cluster
To create a cluster, the administrator first installs a stand-alone iHub or uses an existing installation. Next, the administrator shares the configuration home directory, so other servers joining the cluster can access it. Then, the administrator adds new nodes to form the cluster.
There are two methods of adding a new node to the cluster:
*Through the use of the configuration file, acpmdconfig.xml
*Through the installation wizard, when performing a custom cluster-node installation
Every cluster node must have network access to the following directory and resources to join the cluster:
*The shared configuration home directory
*Cluster resources, such as printers, database systems, disk storage systems, and Encyclopedia volume directories
The administrator can configure nodes, using server templates, to run different services and to process different types of requests. Important factors to consider when configuring nodes include processing power and access to hardware and software resources, such as printers and database drivers.
From the configuration console the administrator can add resources, such as partitions, Encyclopedia volumes, and resource groups to the cluster.