Clustering : Adding and modifying server templates : Creating a new server template
Creating a new server template
The easiest way to add a new template is to copy an existing template, and then modify it for new functionality.
1 Back up the original acserverconfig.xml file.
2 Open acserverconfig.xml.
3 Locate an existing template that closely approximates the new template you want to create.
4 Copy the template, then paste it under the last </Template> tag above the
</Templates> tag.
5 Modify the template name attribute, to give the new template its own unique name.
6 Modify the parameters of the elements to produce the functionality you desire.
7 Save acserverconfig.xml.
The template is now ready for use by cluster nodes. To use the new template, modify the <AC_TEMPLATE_NAME> for the node in acpmdconfig.xml file to the new template name.