Clustering : Managing console configurations and load balancing : Deploying load balancing
Deploying load balancing
Before you use the WAR file to deploy the Management Console load-balancing application, AcProxy, customize the WAR file for your installation as follows:
*Extract the configuration file, web.xml, from the WAR file.
*Customize web.xml.
*Create a new WAR file using the customized web.xml file.
How to extract the configuration file from the WAR file
1 Create a temporary directory, such as C:\temp\AC on a Microsoft Windows server or /temp/ac on a Linux server.
2 Decompress the mgmtconsoleproxy.war file onto the temporary directory.
For example, on Windows, open a Command window and type the following commands, replacing the X: drive letter with a drive letter appropriate to your system:
mkdir C:\ temp\AC
copy X:\mgmtconsoleproxy.war  .
jar -xf mgmtconsoleproxy.war
The AcProxy files appear in the temporary directory.
Using a Linux server, type the following commands:
mkdir /temp/ac
cp /dev/dsk/iHubProduct/mgmtconsoleproxy.war  .
jar -xf mgmtconsoleproxy.war
The AcProxy files appear in the temporary directory.
3 If you used the temporary path in step 3, the file location is:
Windows—C:\temp\AC \WEB-INF\web.xml
How to customize web.xml for your installation
1 Using a text editor that accepts UTF‑8 encoding, edit web.xml to configure AcProxy for your application server.
2 Specify the list of available nodes with iHub consoles in the SERVER_LIST context parameter. The list contains all iHub console URLs that AcProxy uses to balance requests. The default list is empty. Add your URLs in a comma‑separated list. The following code is a sample SERVER_LIST entry:
3 Save and close web.xml.
How to customize the WAR file for your installation
To create a new WAR file, type the following command:
jar -cf ..\newmgmtconsproxy.war *
This command creates Newmgmtconsproxy.war in the /temp directory. This file is a new WAR file for AcProxy, and it contains the modified configuration values.
Use Newmgmtconsproxy.war to deploy to your application servers instead of Mgmtconsoleproxy.war.