Configuring e-mail notification : Specifying the Message Distribution service for e‑mail notification
Specifying the Message Distribution service for e‑mail notification
The administrator can use the simple view or the advanced view to configure iHub to send the e-mail notice to an Information Console user about a completed job. The e-mail message can contain a URL that includes a hyperlink to a design or document and the location of the Message Distribution service (MDS) for connecting to an iHub where the document resides. In the following example, the value of serverURL specifies the MDS:
http://sales:8900/iportal/newrequest/index.aspx?__requestType=scheduled &__executableName=/forecast.rptdesign%3B1&serverURL=http://end2243:8000&volume=volume1
By default, iHub uses any node in the cluster that is online and has the Message Distribution service enabled.
In the example, the serverURL parameter and value are:
Include the http:// prefix when you specify the serverURL.