Configuring Integration and Caching services : Using information objects
Using information objects
Information architects use information objects to control information retrieved from data sources, consolidate information from multiple data sources, and cache data from remote data sources for offline use.
To ensure data is available for an information object job, such as a BIRT design that uses information objects, you can cache data. When caching data, iHub uses one or more external databases and manages each information object cache independently. Future queries using that information object use the data stored in the cache database.
iHub stores cached information objects in one or more of the following databases:
Caching information object data optimizes the timeliness of data, the load constraints of operational data stores, and response time. For example:
*Response time is faster when you execute large volumes of requests against data in the cache database instead of querying production data sources.
*Performance can improve when you:
*Schedule population of the cache during non-peak traffic hours.
*Populate the cache incrementally instead of retrieving all the rows of the output of an information object.
*Retrieve increments to the output since the last time the cache was updated.