Archiving files : Using the online archive driver : Specifying the online archive configuration file
Specifying the online archive configuration file
The online archive driver uses an XML configuration file. The default name of the configuration file is onlinearchive.cfg. The default location for the configuration file is the AC_SERVER_ HOME\ etc directory.
In Linux, you can specify the configuration file using the -c command-line option. For example, specify the following command for the Encyclopedia volume parameter, Use archive service, on System Volumes—Properties—General: -c /local/iHub/archiveconfig.xml
In a production system, you can configure an Encyclopedia on a different volume or on a separate node in a cluster to function as the repository for the archive. You copy the reference implementation of onlinearchive.cfg in AC_SERVER_ HOME/etc, and rename it using the following format:
where <volume> is the name of the Encyclopedia volume that runs the archive driver.