Configuring iHub security : Installing iHub using open security : Installing the RSSE web service application
Installing the RSSE web service application
For an Encyclopedia volume, the RSSE web service configuration information is in the ldapconfig_<volume>.xml file, where <volume> is the name of the Encyclopedia volume using the RSSE web service application. For example, the configuration file for the sales1 volume is:
The ldapconfig_<volume>.xml configuration file is in the following directory:
Each volume that uses the RSSE web service application must have a configuration file.
The iHub application container that runs the RSSE web service application is in the following directory:
To configure the RSSE web service application, change the values in the ldapconfig_<volume>.xml file, and restart the iHub application container that runs the RSSE web service application. For more information about setting ldapconfig_<volume>.xml parameters, see “Setting ldapconfig_<volume>.xml parameters,” later in this chapter.