Configuring iHub security : Understanding LDAP configuration : Mapping Encyclopedia volume management information to LDAP objects : Mapping pass-through security information
Mapping pass-through security information
When a user runs an information object that uses pass-through security, iHub requires a database user name and password. When using the RSSE application, you specify two LDAP user object attributes that iHub uses with pass-through security. One attribute contains the value for the database user name and the other attribute contains the database password. The following example shows pass-through security parameters in the LDAP configuration file:
The ConnectionPropertyList contains ConnectionProperty elements. The ConnectionProperty name-value pairs specify the LDAP user object attributes that contain the database user name and password that iHub uses when a design accesses data through an information object.
The value for username is the LDAP user attribute that contains the database user name. In the following example, iHub uses the value in the LDAP user’s dbname attribute as the database user name:
The value for password is the LDAP user attribute that contains the database password.
In the following example, iHub uses the value in the LDAP user’s dbpassword attribute as the database password: