Configuring iHub security : Understanding LDAP configuration : Mapping LDAP objects to users
Mapping LDAP objects to users
Use the following parameters in the LDAP RSSE application to map the LDAP objects to Encyclopedia volume users:
*UserObject parameter maps the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume user.
*UserBaseDN parameter maps the instance of the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume user.
<UserBaseDN>cn=TestVolUsers, dc=actuate, dc=com</UserBaseDN>
In the configuration file, use the following properties to map the LDAP objects to Encyclopedia volume security roles:
*RoleObject parameter maps the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume security role.
*RoleBaseDN parameter maps the instance of the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume security role.
<RoleBaseDN>ou=TestVolRoles, dc=actuate, dc=com</RoleBaseDN>
In the configuration file, use the following properties to map the LDAP objects to Encyclopedia volume notification groups:
*GroupObject parameter maps the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume notification group.
*GroupBaseDN parameter maps the instance of the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume notification group.
<GroupBaseDN>ou=TestVolGroups, dc=actuate, dc=com</GroupBaseDN>
In the configuration file, use the following properties to map the LDAP objects to the special Encyclopedia volume roles:
*AdminRole parameter maps the instance of the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume administrator security role.
*AllRole parameter maps the instance of the LDAP object to the Encyclopedia volume administrator security role.