Configuring iHub security : Understanding LDAP configuration : Converting an Encyclopedia volume to use an RSSE application
Converting an Encyclopedia volume to use an RSSE application
When you configure iHub to use the default Encyclopedia volume security, the Encyclopedia volume stores all security information. iHub uses an identifier ID and does not use the name of the user, role, or group when it assigns privileges and sets other administrative options. To use the RSSE application and an external security source, replace the internal IDs with the user, role, or group name. When the administrator enables open security as a web service and restarts the volume, iHub replaces references to Actuate user, role, and group IDs with their corresponding names in the following Encyclopedia volume management information:
*Privilege rules, or access control lists (ACLs) for files and folders in the volume
*Privilege rules in scheduled jobs
*Privilege rules for a volume’s channels
*Job completion notification settings
*Scheduled jobs
*Completed jobs
The RSSE application matches the users, roles, and groups in the Encyclopedia volume to users, roles, and groups in the external security source. When the administrator disables the open security as a web service and restarts the volume, iHub modifies these references. For each user name reference in the Encyclopedia volume, iHub looks up the corresponding Encyclopedia volume ID and changes the reference to an ID. If there is no corresponding ID, iHub removes the reference.
Converting internal IDs to external names
To convert existing Encyclopedia volume management information to a form that the RSSE application can use, complete the following tasks in this order:
1 Open Properties for the selected Volume.
2 In Open Security, select “Enable as web service”. Choose OK.
3 Take the volume online.
When the volume is taken online, iHub converts the Encyclopedia volume references from internal users, roles, and groups to the corresponding external names.
Converting information from external to internal
To convert an Encyclopedia volume from using external information to using internal information, complete the following tasks in this order:
1 Open Properties for the selected Volume.
2 In Open Security, select “Do not enable”. Choose OK.
3 Take the selected volume offline.
4 Take the selected volume online.
When the volume is taken online, iHub converts the Encyclopedia volume references from external users, roles, and groups to the corresponding internal IDs.