The BirtStr class provides functions to manipulate strings, for example, to concatenate strings, trim extra spaces, get parts of a string, and display strings in lower or upper case. This class is static. The application cannot create instances of the class.
This function returns the length of a given string.
integer BirtStr.charLength( string source )
String. The string to evaluate.
Integer. The number of characters in the specified string.
The following example returns the length of a specific string:
String. The substring to search for. The search is case‑sensitive.
String. The string in which to look for a specified substring.
Integer. Optional. The position in the source string where the search starts. If you omit this argument, the function starts the search from the first character of the string.
Integer. The numerical position of the substring in the string. The first character of a string starts at 0. If the substring is not found, the function returns ‑1.
The following example returns the numeric position of specified characters in specific strings:
The following example uses BirtStr.indexOf( ) in conjunction with BirtStr.left( ) to display the characters that precede the space character in a customer name. The BirtStr.left( ) function extracts a substring of a specified length, starting from the first character. In this example, the length of the substring to display is equal to the numerical position of the space character.
The following example uses BirtStr.indexOf( ) in conjunction with BirtStr.left( ) to display the characters that precede the space character in a customer name. The BirtStr.left( ) function extracts a substring of a specified length, starting from the first character. In this example, the length of the substring to display is equal to the numerical position of the space character.
The following example uses BirtStr.right( ) in conjunction with the BirtStr.indexOf( ) and BirtStr.charLength( ) functions to display the characters that appear after the space character in a customer name. This example assumes that the number of characters after the hyphen varies. Therefore, the length of the entire string (returned by BirtStr.charLength( )) minus the length up to the hyphen (returned by BirtStr.indexOf( )) is the number of characters to display.
If the customer name is Julie Murphy, the expression returns Murphy. If the customer name is Kwai Li, the expression returns Li.
This function returns the position of a specified substring in a given string. The substring can contain wildcard characters.
integer string pattern, string source, integer index )
String. The string pattern to search for. The search is case-insensitive. You can use the following wildcard characters in a pattern:
An asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters, including spaces. For example, t*n matches tn, tin, and teen.
A question mark (?) matches exactly one character. For example, t?n matches tan, ten, tin, and ton. It does not match teen or tn.
To match a literal asterisk or question mark in a string, precede those characters with two backslash characters (\\). For example, to find the substring R*10, use the following string pattern:
String. The string in which to look for a specified substring.
Integer. Optional. The position in the source string where the search starts. If you omit this argument, the function starts the search from the first character of the string.
Integer. The numerical position of the substring in the string. The first character of a string starts at 0. If the substring is not found, the function returns ‑1.
The following example returns the numeric position of specified string patterns in specific strings:
The following example searches for the string pattern, S*A, in each value in the ProductCode field. If the product code is KBS5412A, the expression returns 2. "S*A", row["ProductCode"] )
The following example uses ) in conjunction with BirtStr.left( ) to display the characters that precede the string pattern, -Model*, in a product name. The BirtStr.left( ) function extracts a substring of a specified length, starting from the first character. In this example, the length of the substring to display is equal to the numerical position of the string pattern.
This function returns a string with all leading and trailing blank characters removed. It does not remove blank characters between words.
string BirtStr.trimLeft( string source )
String. The string from which to remove leading blank characters.
String. A string with all leading blank characters removed.
The following example concatenates a literal string with each value in the customerName field. BirtStr.trimLeft( ) removes all blank characters preceding the customerName value so that there are no extra blank characters between the literal string and the customerName value.
This function returns a string with all trailing blank characters removed. It does not remove blank characters between words.
string BirtStr.trimRight( string source )
String. The string from which to remove trailing blank characters.
String. A string with all trailing blank characters removed.
The following example concatenates each value in the Comment field with a semicolon, then with a value in the Action field. BirtStr.trimRight( ) removes all blank characters after the Comment value so that there are no extra blank characters between the Comment string and the semicolon.