After you link a CSS file, or create or import styles for a report, you can apply styles to specific report elements. To apply a style to a report element, right‑click the report element, choose Style➛Apply Style, then select one of the styles in the list. The list displays all the available styles. Choose None to remove the style that is currently applied to the report element.
If you set style properties to predefined style names, such as table-header or table-footer, BIRT Report Designer applies the style properties to all those types of report elements. You cannot selectively apply predefined styles to only some elements of that type.
How to apply a style
1 Right-click the report element to which you want to apply a style.
2 Choose Style➛Apply Style from the context menu, then choose one of the styles in the list. The list displays all the styles you created and imported. Choose None to remove the style currently applied to the report element. The report element’s appearance changes according to the style you choose.