Creating a crosstab
To create a crosstab, in Analytics—Analysis, choose Crosstab. Then, define properties of the crosstab, using the following features:
Table provides an area for defining multiple rows and a column. To define a row or column, drag a field from Data Tree and drop it in the row area or the column area. As you drop the field, the crosstab appears in Table.
You can change the configuration of the table by changing the order of fields in the rows definition or by eliminating measures. You must define at least one measure to produce valid output.
Double-clicking a field in the row area provides the option to deactivate some of its values. If you select Autocalculate, data is updated immediately when you make a change to the analysis. If Autocalculate is not selected, you must choose Calculate to see your changes.
You can display data in charts and dynamic tables. For example, you can examine the number of orders by type of article to get average profits or a sum of purchase amounts.
A pivoted crosstab supports the following chart types:
*Areas with scroll
*Bars 3D
*Columns 3D
*Columns with scroll
*Lines with scroll
*Stacked areas
*Stacked bars
*Stacked columns
*Stacked columns 3D
*Stacked columns with scroll
The Columns 3D chart is shown by default.
A non-pivoted crosstab supports the following chart types:
*Columns 3D
*Doughnut 3D
*Pie 3D
Use Advanced to specify data for a table, including table axes or dimensions, simple or calculated measures, and filters. The following sections provide details about Advanced.