About action types
BIRT Analytics supports communication, query, program execution, data analysis and data modeling actions.
Available actions appear in the following groups:
Send email
Sends a message via email to one or multiple recipients. To create a Send email action, you configure the following details: e‑mail contents, event trigger, or time trigger attributes. Right‑click in the Content editor to display available content options. Content options vary, based on the task trigger. Common examples of email task triggers include:
Send execution results
Sends an email with campaign execution results. This mail can be delivered to each user who has been involved in a campaign execution process.
Notify users via email
Sends an email to all the users related to a campaign triggering a task. This email will be sent to users having permissions for the current campaign stage and a valid email account on the database.
Query. A query action evaluates whether data matches a condition. Correct query syntax follows:
action, filter, operator, value
action is a function such as count, sum, or mean
filter is a database domain or SQL statement
operator is >, <, or =, for example
Execute campaign
Runs a campaign execution.
Execute response load
Loads all campaign responses associated to an event in a new database table.
Export campaign cell
Exports all records from a selected cell in a campaign. Sets the event or campaign date of execution, the records to export (all the records, all the records except control, only control) and an exportation report that will be used as a template for exporting.
Data Model
Delete column
Deletes a column. User must indicate entire column name [database].[table].[column].
Delete table
Deletes a table. User must type the full table name, for example, [database].[table].
Apply Model
Applies the Decision Tree or Clustering data mining model. The Decision Tree or Clustering Analysis must be properly configured, trained and saved.
Apply model online
Set an action to apply the model in a deferred way.
In either case, the result is a column containing results of the applied model.