Understanding the basic tools
A toolbar appears in the window for each analysis type. Some or all of the following basic tools are available in each window.
Calculate runs and displays the analysis using the parameter values.
There are two export modes.
Exporting data
Press the Export button in the analysis toolbar. In this case the results table is exported from the crosstab, Venn, bubble or profile analysis. Values are exported to a comma‑separated values (CSV) file, a standard format supported by tools such as Excel and text editors such as Ultraedit and Notepad ++.
Full export
The export icon displayed in the graphic exports the full analysis (data and graphic) in RTF format, which is compatible with word processors such as MS Word.
Clear removes all entries from the window, without saving.
This option changes one analysis or indicator into another one with the same features.
Save or Save As
You can save all BIRT Analytics analyses you create using analysis tools or selections. The definition of the analysis is saved, but not the results themselves. Any modification to the database which affects its configuration is automatically applied when the saved analysis is run.
These analyses must always be saved in a folder. If a folder has not been created previously, it can be created at the time of saving the first analysis. You can access saved analyses from Data Tree using My Folders.
Any folder or subfolder is personal, unless you indicate otherwise and give viewing permission to other users. These permissions can be given for both folders and analyses.
If you run a saved analysis, make a change to its configuration, and want to keep both the initial and modified versions, use Save As to save a new version of the analysis.