About BIRT Viewer Toolkit
Actuate BIRT Viewer Toolkit enables users to view BIRT reports quickly and easily, and at no charge. BIRT Viewer Toolkit is a free offering that can easily be integrated into existing software using JavaScript, Actuate JavaScript API or a URL.
Using BIRT Viewer Toolkit, you can view a report, navigate a multipage report, use parameters formatted as lists or radio buttons to view specific information in reports requiring parameter values, and share the report with other users using a link to the report page. You can also use BIRT Viewer Toolkit to export report data and content to supported formats, and view static charts and cross tab reports.
After registering on birt‑exchange.com, you can download BIRT Viewer Toolkit and benefit from community-support for the product. To begin using BIRT Viewer Toolkit, navigate to the following location: