Deploying the BIRT Viewer Toolkit EAR file to JBoss 6
In order to deploy BIRT Viewer Toolkit EARs to JBoss 6, you must remove the commons-logging.jar library from the EAR file before deploying it. Leaving this file in the EAR causes JBoss 6 to throw an exception during deployment.
The commons-logging.jar file is still necessary for deployments to JBoss 5 and JBoss 7.
To deploy BIRT Viewer Toolkit to JBoss 6, perform the following steps:
1 In a separate directory, extract the contents of JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.ear by typing the following command into a command prompt:
jar -xf JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.ear
Keep all extracted files together in their original relative locations.
2 Copy JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.war into a separate directory and extract the contents of JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.war by typing the following command into a command prompt:
jar -xf JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.war
3 Delete <warFile>/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar.
4 Compress the all files in the directory into a war file by typing the following command:
jar -cf JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.war *
5 Copy JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.war into the separate directory containing the extracted files from JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.ear. Compress these files into a ear file by typing the following command:
jar -cf JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.ear *
6 Deploy JBOSS_ActuateBIRTViewer.ear to the JBoss 6 server.