About performance range settings for initiatives
A performance range is a set of five numeric ranges, each of which uses a color and a label to characterize performance. There are seven configurable initiative performance ranges, including five date ranges, and a budget and rating range. The system specialist defines the performance colors and labels for each range and the range limits for date and budget ranges. Customized performance range settings apply to all new and existing initiatives in the database.
The date performance ranges specify the colors of the start date and end date performance indicators in the dashboard. The budget performance range specifies the color of the budget performance indicator. The rating performance range specifies the color of the rating performance indicator. Color choices must be readily distinguishable. For example, two shades of the same color can be difficult to tell apart. You can use either the web-safe or standard Windows color palette. For consistency of display across Metrics Management clients, choose colors from the web-safe color palette.