Editing a measure
Before you edit a measure, note that once you have created and saved a measure as a group, data or formula measure, changing the measure type can have a serious impact on your database. For example, the database can contain white or gray measures in books and views, and data measure names and values may not appear in data entry forms. White measures are measures with calculation errors, and gray measures are measures with missing data. Also consider the following points:
*Changing a group measure can leave you with orphan submeasures.
*Changing a formula measure orphans all the measures that are linked to that formula.
*Changing a data measure invalidates measures that use this data either in a group or formula measure. The list of Parent Measures can help you predict the implications of changing a measure type.
*Changing the storage period for a measure makes the data from the former storage period no longer visible because the data is no longer used.
How to edit a measure
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose SetupMeasures.
2 In Setup Measures—Measures, select a measure name.
3 Choose View or Edit.
4 Choose Setup Measure—Properties.
Parent Measures displays a list of measures that are linked to the selected measure. Use the list to consider the implications of changing a measure type.
5 Choose Refresh to update potential changes in the database. Updated information appears in Parent Measures.
6 To make amendments, select the measure and choose Edit Selected for a parent measure.
7 Then, remove the selected measure from the group or formula.
8 Make your changes.
9 Choose Save.