Understanding naming conventions
Metrics Management requires two types of names to identify a user. A user name uniquely identifies the user and typically reflects the person’s organizational role. A login name is a credential to access Metrics Management. The user and login names can be the same or different.
Standardizing user names
A naming convention simplifies finding, selecting, and grouping users. Employing a standard convention for user names ensures that the user list is simple to navigate. Metrics Management displays user lists alphabetically. Consistently following a standard for abbreviations helps to group users by title.
Consider creating user names based either on individuals, for example msmith, or on job titles, for example VicePresident. Although either choice is acceptable, basing a naming convention on titles presents fewer maintenance issues.
Standardizing login names
When assigning a login name, Actuate recommends that it match the login name for the user’s network. Using this convention simplifies user authentication.
Addressing organizational changes
When an individual moves to a new position, the system specialist’s tasks depend on the naming convention. Deleting a user also deletes ownership of items, such as books and measures. Changing the user name preserves ownership of items.
Using a convention based on titles, the system specialist needs to change only the login name. Using a convention based on people’s names, the system specialist must change both the user name and login name to the new person responsible.