Defining the active web publishing database
The system specialist defines the server and database in which to authenticate the active web publishing user.
How to define the active web publishing database
1 Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Web.config file. By default this is found in:
C:\Program Files\Actuate\iHub3\modules
\Metrics Management\WebRootAspx
2 Open the Web.config file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
3 Navigate to the following lines:
<!--Active Web Publishing settings -->
<add key="pbvServer" value="" />
<add key="pbvDatabase" value="" />
4 Provide your server and database names as values, for example:
<!--Active Web Publishing settings -->
<add key="pbvServer" value="MetricsManagementServer" />
<add key="pbvDatabase" value="Sample Corporate" />
5 Save and close the Web.config file.