Configuring import and export for a large database
The import or export of a large database may result in excessive memory use on the server. To reduce memory use, set the values of the EnableSqlBatching and UseDiskBuffer parameters to true in the abpsmgmt.exe.config file. The EnableSqlBatching parameter is supported for database exports only.
How to add the EnableSqlBatching and UseDiskBuffer parameters
1 On the server machine, navigate to the abpsmgmt.exe.config file. By default, the file is found in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Actuate\iHub3\modules\Metrics Management
2 In a text editor, open the abpsmgmt.exe.config file.
3 Navigate to the following lines:
<DatabaseExport EnableSqlBatching="false"
UseDiskBuffer="false" />
<DatabaseImport UseDiskBuffer="false" />
4 Perform any of the following tasks:
*To modify memory use for a database export, in the DatabaseExport section, change the value of both parameters to true.
*To modify memory use for a database import, in the database import section, change the value of the UseDiskBuffer parameter to true.
For example, change both parameters in the database export section to true:
<DatabaseExport EnableSqlBatching="true" UseDiskBuffer="true"/>
5 Save and close the file.