Synchronizing calculated data
Metrics Management performs calculations on data when you modify the system, for example, when adding new measures to a view structure, changing calendar settings, or adding or changing data. Actuate recommends synchronizing when a view is large, or after entering large amounts of data into the system. Synchronizing performs all calculations on a view at once, and greatly increases a view’s drill-down performance.
To increase performance efficiency, complete the majority of data entry at the same time, either by data import, or by setting times for data input. Once data is entered, perform a synchronization.
Only the system specialist can perform a data synchronization. If possible, take a database offline before running a synchronization to reduce data processing time. Synchronization can be automated using pbvcon.
How to synchronize calculated data
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose DataSynchronize.
2 Select the Synchronize calculated data check box. This option is unavailable when calculated data does not need synchronization.
3 Choose Yes. A progress bar appears as data synchronizes.