About pending user data
The Enable pending user data entry option determines when data is used in calculations. If you have a large database and update your data frequently, you can improve database performance using pending user data. For more information about how to enable pending user data, see Defining database audit settings.
If many users continually enter and change data, users can experience delays when opening books and views. Delays occurs because Metrics Management processes data when an object opens. Metrics Management determines whether data has changed, performs calculations, and displays the item.
With pending user data feature enabled, new or changed data does not immediately affect calculations. New or changed data is flagged as pending until you decide to use it in calculations. Metrics Management does not perform calculations dynamically. Objects display faster in books and views, and Metrics Management performs more efficiently.
Synchronizing pending user data includes the data in Metrics Management calculations. Choose to synchronize pending data when it is most convenient or logical for your organization, for example, after entering or importing large amounts of data, or when moving the calendar forward. You can synchronizing pending user data manually, or automatically using pbvcon.
How to synchronize pending user data
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose DataSynchronize.
2 Check Synchronize user data. This option is unavailable when calculated data does not need synchronization.
3 Choose Yes.