Creating a comparative
Create comparatives that reflect your organization. Examples of internal comparatives include company, divisional or regional averages, and targets. Examples of competitive, or external, benchmarks, include best-in-class, industry averages, and world-class.
If necessary, assign security rights that restrict access to sensitive data used for comparatives to only appropriate user groups.
How to create a comparative
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose SetupComparativesCreate.
2 In Setup Comparatives: <New>—Properties:
*In Name, provide a name for the comparative.
*In Description, choose Edit. Provide a description. Then, choose OK.
*In Categories, choose Edit. Select or create categories. Then, choose OK.
3 If necessary, choose Security. Then, assign access rights for the comparative to groups and users.
4 Choose Save.
5 Create the accompanying series. Remember to:
*Name the series with the same name that you used for the comparative.
*Choose Comparative as the series type, and select the comparative that you just created from the Comparative list.
For more information, see Creating a series.