Before designing your map, define defaults for the Map Designer. For example, you can define a default box shape for measure and location or text boxes, or a default line style.
When you define default colors, you can choose either web browser safe colors or standard Windows colors. Colors from the 216 Web browser safe colors palette appear the same in the Metrics Management Windows Client and the Metrics Management Classic Web Client. Colors from the Standard Windows colors palette can appear differently in the Metrics Management Classic Web Client.
A measure and location box can contain measures and locations from the view on which the map is based. In Map Contents, you specify the measure and locations which are available to measure and locations boxes. The system specialist specifies one of the following options:
Measures only
A measure and location box can contain a measure at the top location defined for the map’s view.
Locations only
A measure and location box can contain a location at the top measure defined for the map’s view.
Measure and location pairs
The map can contain any measure and location pair from the map’s view.
How to define Map Designer defaults
1 To define defaults for measure and location or text boxes, choose Map Defaults➛Box defaults:
2 To define a default shape and color for boxes, perform the following tasks:
1 In Box shape, select a shape from the list.
2 Choose Fill color. Select a color from the Web browser safe, Standard Windows, Shades of gray, or Standard index range colors palette.
3 Choose OK. The color appears to the right of Fill color.
3 To define a default border width and color, perform the following tasks:
1 In Border width, provide a value for the border width.
2 Choose Border color. Select a color from the Web browser safe, Standard Windows, Shades of gray, or Standard index range colors palette.
3 Choose OK. The color appears to the right of Border color.
4 To define a default text size and color, perform the following tasks:
1 In Text size, provide a value for the text size.
2 Choose Text color. Select a color from the Web browser safe, Standard Windows, Shades of gray, or Standard index range colors palette.
3 Choose OK. The color appears to the right of Text color.
5 To specify no border for boxes, select Transparent border.
6 To show text on multiple lines in boxes, select Word wrap. Word wrap applies to all existing boxes on a map.
7 To define the type of data that appears in measure and locations boxes, in Measure and location box defaults, select the appropriate check boxes.
8 To define a default line design, in Line defaults:
1 In Line style, select a style from the list.
2 Choose Line color. Select a color from the Web browser safe, Standard Windows, Shades of gray, or Standard index range colors palette.
3 Choose OK. The color appears to the right of Line color.
4 In Line width, provide a value for the line width.
5 Choose to display arrows at the start of a line, end of a line, or both.
9 To choose whether measure and locations are available to add to measure and location boxes in the Map Designer, in Map Contents, select Measures only, Locations only, or Measures and locations.
10 Choose Save.
After you save the map, the names of measures and locations in the map appear in Measures and locations used on this map.
How to define security for a map
Choose Security. Then, assign access rights to groups and users. Choose Save.