Metrics Management supports entering data for measures in the dashboard in any client. Entering measure data for multiple measures and locations at one time requires the Smart or Windows client. You enter measure data for multiple measures and locations in a table format in Data Entry. In Data Entry, you choose the views, measures, and locations for which to enter data. You can enter actual and comparative measure data for any measures that you own or for which you have authority to enter data.
You enter initiative data in the dashboard and in Setup Initiatives. For all measure types, an administrator, measure owner, or measure owner assistant always has the right to enter initiative data for a measure and location. For a group measure, no other user may enter initiative data. For a data measure, a location data entry user for the measure can enter data. For a formula measure, a user who is allowed direct data entry to the measure can enter data for initiatives belonging to the measure.
If you navigate to another tab before saving changes in the dashboard, an asterisk appears beside the tab name to indicate that the dashboard contains unsaved changes.