Integration service Template properties
Table 2‑5 Viewing Integration service template properties
Property Name
Takes effect
EnableIntegration Service
Enable Integration service
Page pool size
2000 pages
2000 pages
2000 pages
Buffer pool size
18000 pages
18000 pages
18000 pages
Start parameters for Integration service processes
-Xms64M -Xmx128M com.nimble.nie.server.Server
-Xms128M -Xmx256M com.nimble.nie.server.Server
-Xms256M -Xmx512M com.nimble.nie.server.Server
Understanding resource groups
A resource group controls the Factory processes that BIRT iHub uses to run a synchronous or asynchronous job. A resource group specifies a set of Factory processes reserved to run only those jobs assigned to the group.
A design that runs unscheduled runs synchronously, as soon as possible in the foreground. iHub does not store the generated document in the volume. A scheduled job runs asynchronously in the background. iHub stores the generated document in the volume. Whether you generate a document by running a design scheduled or unscheduled, you can view, navigate, and search the generated document.
BIRT iHub uses the following default resource groups:
*Default BIRT Factory
Used to run a BIRT design (.rptdesign) as a scheduled job. Also used to print a BIRT document (.rptdocument).
*Default BIRT Online
Used for running a BIRT design unscheduled and viewing the generated BIRT document.
*Default Dashboards
Used for running a BIRT dashboard (.dashboard) or gadget (.gadget) design unscheduled and viewing the generated document.
*Default Interactive Crosstabs
Used for running a Data Object Store (.data) design unscheduled and viewing the generated document.
*Default Report Studio
Used when creating, modifying, and viewing documents using Report Studio.
Understanding resource group properties pertaining to a template
Each template contains an XML element named <ServerResourceGroupSetting> for each resource group. This element contains attributes that affect the configuration of the resource group only for that template.
A <ServerResourceGroupSetting> element contains the following properties for a resource group:
Name of the resource group.
Possible values are true or false. A value of true activates the resource group, enabling the node using this configuration template to use the Factory processes this resource group provides. A value of false deactivates the resource group. By default, Activate is true for all resource groups.
Minimum number of factories a resource group can use.
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) start arguments, or Java command-line options, for the resource group.
Any change to a resource group property requires a cluster restart to take effect.
The StartArguments property appearing in each <ServerResourceGroupSetting> element include the following JRE start arguments:
*Heap limit option
Specifies the amount of heap the Java process can use. For example, -Xmx512M specifies that the Java process can use 512 MB of heap. Too large a heap can slow garbage collection because there is more heap to scan. This property affects Java view server memory usage.
PermSize is additional heap space, separate from the space the Heap limit option specifies. The heap space that PermSize specifies holds reflective data for the JVM, such as class and method objects. By specifying MaxPermSize without also specifying PermSize, heap size does not increase unless an application needs more heap.
*Headless graphics option
Includes the Java graphics environment in lieu of a native graphics environment when set to true. For example, -Djava.awt.headless=true specifies including the Java graphics environment.
*Protocol library specification
For example, Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=com.actuate.javaserver.protocol specifies the package name in which the Actuate protocol handler class can be found.
*Java server entry point specification
For example, com.actuate.javaserver.Server specifies the Java server main class.
The following list describes the start arguments that each StartArguments property specifies, for the small, medium, and large templates. Additionally, if the <ServerResourceGroupSetting> element contains a MinFactory property, the list includes the value for this property.
*Default BIRT Online
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Dashboards
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Interactive Crosstabs
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default BIRT Factory
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default Report Studio
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default BIRT Online
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Dashboards
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Interactive Crosstabs
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default BIRT Factory
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default Report Studio
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default BIRT Online
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Dashboards
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
The minimum number of factories this resource group can use is 1.
*Default Interactive Crosstabs
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default BIRT Factory
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
*Default Report Studio
This resource group contains the following start arguments:
-Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UsePerfData
.protocol com.actuate.javaserver.Server
Understanding resource group properties pertaining to all templates
The shared configuration file, acserverconfig.xml, contains an XML element named <ResourceGroup> for each resource group. This element contains attributes that affect the configuration of the resource group for all templates.
A <ResourceGroup> element contains the following properties for a resource group:
Name of the resource group.
Type of job the resource group supports. Resource groups support the following job types:
Supports running a job synchronously, or unscheduled, and viewing a document.
Supports running a job asynchronously, or scheduled, and printing a document.
Supports specifying a particular volume. Default value is all volumes.
Supports disabling and enabling the resource group. Value is true or false. Default value is false.
Supports reserving a synchronous resource group for targeted requests.
Supports running a report type of JavaReport.
The resource group description.
Used by a resource group having a Type of Async. The maximum priority a job can have. A job with a higher priority than another job runs first. The range of possible values is 0 through 1000.
Used by a resource group having a Type of Async. The minimum priority a job can have. A job with a lower priority than another job runs after the higher priority job. The range of possible values is 0 through 1000.
Specifies the type of processing this resource group can perform. For example, generating a BIRT document asynchronously requires the BIRT Factory work unit type. Generating a BIRT document immediately requires the BIRT Online work unit type.