Users access iHub resources using a suite of web-based visualization applications called Visualization Platform client. The Visualization Platform client is a web application that connects to the iHub server and includes a web-based repository content manager that can access visualization tools and web components to service user requests. For example, to open a BIRT Dashboard, Visualization Platform client activates the Dashboard application, which is part of the visualization suite. Additionally, the Actuate APIs extend many of the features of these services so they can be implemented in custom applications. For more information on the Actuate APIs, see Application Integrator Guide.
The web components and visualization tools available from Visualization Platform client are:
iHub Administration
An application manager for Visualization Platform client services and tools that manages Visualization Platform client users and user groups. Visualization Platform client administration only affects Visualization Platform client services. To handle administrative tasks like managing volumes, use the System Console.
Visualization Suite
A suite of web-based applications that you browse, manage, import, export, and modify iHub repository contents. The visualization suite includes the following licensed applications:
BIRT Interactive Viewer
A web viewer for BIRT report content which also supports printing and saving reports to many formats.
BIRT Dashboards
A BIRT dashboard manager and editor, that creates and displays custom web and mobile viewing arrangements with interactive elements.
Report Studio
A BIRT Design and Document editor that manages presentation and whose editing permissions can be finely defined by the administrator or the original designer.
Actuate Visualization Platform client is independent and customizable. You can deploy Visualization Platform client on machines separate from iHub as a standalone application, WAR, or EAR, and all of its component applications deploy with it. In addition, every iHub installation also contains an embedded Visualization Platform client that can be accessed remotely.
Visualization Platform client accesses and stores documents on a volume managed by iHub. Visualization Platform client technology is scalable and supports clustering. On a Windows system, the default context root for Visualization Platform client is the name of the WAR or EAR file, or <installation directory>\iHub3\modules\BIRTiHub\iHub\web\iportal for Visualization Platform client embedded in the BIRT iHub application or setup as a standalone application. On a UNIX‑based system, the default context root for Visualization Platform client is the name of the WAR or EAR file or $Home/iHub/web/iportal for Visualization Platform client embedded in the BIRT iHub application or setup as a standalone application.