Writing a simple administration application
A simple administration application typically involves a create operation for one of the following BIRT iHub objects:
To perform an administration operation that acts on an existing object in the Encyclopedia volume, such as a select, update, or delete operation, you must apply a search condition to the operation. To perform an administration operation that contains a set of administration operations requests, submit the request as a batch or transaction.
The following application derives from the code in the BIRT iHub Integration Technology example applications for the MS .NET Client. The application class, AcCreateUser, logs in to an Encyclopedia volume as Administrator and creates a user. AcCreateUser performs the following tasks:
*Instantiates a CreateUser object and prepares a create user operation
CreateUser l_createUser = new CreateUser( );
l_createUser.IgnoreDup = true;
l_createUser.IgnoreDupSpecified = true;
*Instantiates a User object, setting the username, password, and home folder
l_createUser.User = new User( );
l_createUser.User.Name = l_UserName;
l_createUser.User.Password = l_password;
l_createUser.User.HomeFolder = l_homeFolder;
User is a complex data type that represents user attributes.
*Sets additional view preference, notification, e-mail, and job priority options in the User object
l_createUser.User.ViewPreference = UserViewPreference.DHTML;
l_createUser.User.ViewPreferenceSpecified = true;
l_createUser.User.SendNoticeForSuccess = true;
l_createUser.User.SendNoticeForSuccessSpecified = true;
l_createUser.User.SendNoticeForFailure = true;
l_createUser.User.SendNoticeForFailureSpecified = true;
l_createUser.User.SendEmailForSuccess = true;
l_createUser.User.SendEmailForSuccessSpecified = true;
l_createUser.User.SendEmailForFailure = true;
l_createUser.User.SendEmailForFailureSpecified = true;
l_createUser.User.EmailAddress = (l_createUserName + "@" + "localhost");
l_createUser.User.MaxJobPriority = 1000;
l_createUser.User.MaxJobPrioritySpecified = true;
*Instantiates an AdminOperation object and assigns the reference to the CreateUser object to it
AdminOperation l_createUserOpt = new AdminOperation( );
l_createUserOpt.Item = l_createUser;
*Assembles the create user request in an AdminOperation array
AdminOperation[ ] l_adminRequest = new AdminOperation[1];
l_adminRequest[0] = l_createUserOpt;
*Makes an administrate request using the proxy, passing in the reference to the AdminOperation array
try {
catch(SoapException e) {