Creating an access control list (ACL)
The file, user.acls, stores a user access control list (ACL) using the following format:
Username=acl1, acl2, ..
The user name field matches the name of user in the Encyclopedia volume. An equal ('=') sign separates the user name from the ACL list. An ACL list can contain zero, one, or more ACL specifications, as shown in the following code example:
user1=acl1, acl2, acl3, acl4
user2=acl5, acl6, acl7, acl8
If there is more than one ACL specification in the list, separate each ACL using a comma. The scanner reading the users.acls file eliminates any white space or backslash.
All the user name specifications in the example are legal. A list can contain users that do not appear in the Encyclopedia. The information for these users is ignored.