About the binding definition
The binding element defines how the operations and messages in the schema communicate. Actuate defines its binding using the following attributes:
The following example shows the binding definition for ActuateSoapBinding:
<binding name="ActuateSoapBinding" type="wsdlns:ActuateSoapPort">
<soap:binding style="document"
Within the <binding> </binding> tags, input and output child elements define the bindings for each operation that the portType section describes. Each input message consists of a SOAP header with attributes and a SOAP body with attributes. Each output message consists of a SOAP body with attributes.
The following example shows the input and output child elements for the Login operation:
<operation name="Login">
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" parts="Request"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
These elements specify that Actuate does not use soapAction, a required element for SOAP messages. They further show that Actuate operations are literal messages that do not use separate wrappers for each element.