Customizing the usage logging extension
To customize the usage logging extension, you must install BIRT iHub Integration Technology. BIRT iHub Integration Technology provides the C and C++ source code that you modify to customize the usage logging extension. The usage logging extension source code file, usagelogext.c, installs in <BIRT iHub Integration Technology install folder>/ServerIntTech3
/User Activity Logging Extension.
The usagelogext.c source code implements the following functionality:
*Specifies the name and extension of the usage log file, and the location or path to the file
These properties are defined as constants. For example:
#define USAGELOG_FILE_NAME "usage_log"
#define USAGELOG_FILE_EXT ".csv"
The AcStartUsageLog function implements this functionality.
*Writes information about every transaction that BIRT iHub captures to a log file
The AcLogUsage function implements this functionality.
*Stops logging information and releases the resources the extension uses
The AcStopUsageLog function implements this functionality.
*Specifies whether the extension is multithread-safe
The AcIsThreadSafe function implements this functionality. If the extension is not multithread-safe, AcIsThreadSafe must return False. The reference implementation is not multithread-safe.