Data report elements
Several elements in the ROM specification apply to data rather than visual report items. These data report elements describe data sources and data sets. The following elements are data report elements:
The OdaDataSource element represents a connection to an external data system, such as an RDBMS, text file, or XML file.
The ScriptedDataSource element represents a connection to an external data system that is not an ODA data source. The developer must provide scripts for opening and closing a scripted data source. ScriptedDataSource inherits from DataSource.
The OdaDataSet element represents a tabular result set retrieved from a data source. An OdaDataSet element defines a data source, query, filters, parameters, and result set columns.
The ScriptDataSet element represents a data set that is associated with a scripted data source. The developer must provide scripts for opening, closing, and fetching a row from a scripted data source.
The JointDataSet element represents a data set that results from a join of several data sets.