Specifies whether to retain the time stamp. The default is False.
Specifies whether to retain the owner. The default is False.
The online archive application attempts to match any user or user group in the file access control list (ACL) with the same name in the archive volume.
Specifies whether to preserve the permissions in the access control list (ACL). The default is False.
If you do not archive the access control list (ACL) of a file, the file owner has full access. If the user or user group does not exist in the archive volume, you can configure the application to create a user or user group with the same name.
Specifies whether to copy files that are dependent on the file being archived. The default is True.
If the online archive application archives a file that has a dependency on another file, the application archives both files. The application does not delete the file on which the archived file has a dependency unless the application is archiving both files.
Specifies whether to create missing users or user groups in the target volume in order to retain the owner or permissions. The default is True.
The online archive application does not enable a login for a user or user group it creates.
Specifies the volume root folder for all archived files. The default is /.
Specifies whether to create the archive as a subfolder under the root folder that contains a time stamp. The default is True.
The online archive application creates a folder in the archive volume and places the files from the archive session into the subfolder. In the archive, the archive driver creates a folder hierarchy identical to the one in the production volume and places the files in the hierarchy.
The archive root folder name contains the start date and time of the archive session in the following format:
For example, if you optionally specify the name of the archive root folder in the configuration file as /MyArchive and the archive session starts at 6:00 a.m. May 31, 2014, the application copies the archived files to the following folder:
If you set CreateArchiveSubFolder to False, the online archive application suppresses the creation of the time stamp folder and does not create the archive as a subfolder. The archive volume mimics the folder structure of the production volume. The CreateArchiveSubFolder option preserves the version numbers of the archived files by placing the archive folder in a separate root folder that has a time stamp.
Specifies the level of detail in log file. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Trace. The default is Summary.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- See README.html in the onlinearchive directory in -->
<!-- Server Integration Technology installation for usage -->
<!-- and licensing information -->
<!--TargetServer, TargetSOAPPort: [Required] -->
<!-- Name or IP of server and port for connecting to -->
<!-- the SOAP dispatcher service of the target volume -->
<!--ArchiveVolume: [Required] -->
<!-- Name of target volume to copy archived files to -->
<ArchiveVolume>Default Volume</ArchiveVolume>
<!--AdminUser, AdminPassword: [Required] -->
<!-- Name and password of a user in the target volume -->
<!-- that belongs to the Administrator role -->
<!--RetainTimestamp: [Optional, default: false] -->
<!-- Whether timestamp of archived file is preserved -->
<!--RetainOwner: [Optional, default: false] -->
<!-- Whether Owner of archived file is preserved -->
<!--RetainPermission: [Optional, default: false] -->
<!-- Whether Permission (ACL) of archived file is -->
<!-- preserved -->
<!--CopyDependOnFile: [Optional, default: true] -->
<!-- Whether files depended on by archived file are -->
<!-- copied -->
<!--CreateUserRole: [Optional, default: true] -->
<!-- Whether to create missing user or roles in target -->
<!-- volume in order to retain Owner or Permissions -->
<!--ArchiveRoot: [Optional, default: /] -->
<!-- Root encyc folder for all archived files -->
<!--CreateArchiveSubFolder: [Optional, default: true] -->
<!-- Whether to create a timestamp dependent subfolder -->
<!-- under ArchiveRoot for each archive session -->
<!-- LogLevel: [Optional, default: Summary] -->
<!-- Leve of detail in log file. Valid values are: -->
<!-- Summary, Detail and Trace -->
How to enable online archiving
1 Using System Console, create a new volume to contain the archived files for a production volume. For information on creating a volume, see “Adding a volume,” in Chapter 7, “Managing Clusters,” in the BIRT iHub System Administration Guide.
2 Stop the BIRT iHub cluster. For information on stopping the cluster, see "Taking the cluster offline," in Chapter 3, "Configuring BIRT iHub to use an alternative database on a Windows platform," or Chapter 4, "Configuring BIRT iHub to use an alternative database on a Linux platform," in the BIRT iHub System Administration Guide.
3 Navigate to the shared configuration directory. For example, if the system administrator created a folder for the shared configuration directory named config_cluster, then in a default BIRT iHub installation on Windows, where BIRT iHub was installed as an individual module, the path to the shared configuration directory is:
Create a copy of the onlinearchive.cfg file. Rename the file to contain the archive volume name using the following syntax:
aconlinearchive_<archive volume name>.cfg
For example, if the archive volume name is sales_volume, the copy of aconlinearchive.cfg is:
4 Open aconlinearchive_<archive volume name>.cfg using a text editor. Find the following code:
<!-- ArchiveVolume: [Required] -->
<!-- Name of target volume to copy archived files to -->
Change the value for <ArchiveVolume> from DefaultVolume to the name of the archive volume. The following example shows the <ArchiveVolume> element if the archive volume name is sales_volume:
<!-- ArchiveVolume: [Required] -->
<!-- Name of target volume to copy archived files to -->
Save and exit aconlinearchive_<archive volume name>.cfg.
5 As a best practice, create a backup copy of acserverconfig.xml. Then, open acserverconfig.xml using a text editor. Find ArchiveServiceCmd. Change the value of ArchiveServiceCmd from "" to "aconlinearchive.bat", as shown in the following example:
Save and exit acserverconfig.xml.
6 If necessary, configure the script that starts the online archive service. In a Windows installation, the name of the script is aconlinearchive.bat. In a Linux installation, the name of the script is aconlinearchive.sh. BIRT iHub installs these scripts in the following location:
Each script configures the Java application run-time environment for the archive driver by performing the following tasks:

Specifies the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) by setting the environment variable, ARCHIVE_DRIVER_JRE, to the BIRT iHub default JRE specified by $AC_JRE_HOME. You can use a different JRE, but this version is the only JRE version which has been tested.

Specifies the class path for Online Archive Driver JAR file by setting the environment variable, DRIVER_JAR_PATH, to %AC_SERVER_HOME%
\drivers. BIRT iHub installs aconlinearchive.jar, the application library, and aconlinearchiveDEP.jar, the dependent library files, in $AC_SERVER_HOME\drivers.

Starts the online archive service by making a call to execute the class, com.actuate.onlinearchivedriver.Main.
7 Start the BIRT iHub cluster. For information on performing this task, see "How to start the cluster," in Chapter 3, “Configuring BIRT iHub to use an alternative database on a Windows platform," or Chapter 4, "Configuring BIRT iHub to use an alternative database on a Linux platform," in the BIRT iHub System Administration Guide.