Installing BIRT Data Tools Platform Integration
This package includes the minimal set of Data Tools Platform (DTP) plug-ins that BIRT Report Designer requires. If you install the BIRT Report Designer package in an existing Eclipse installation, you can install this BIRT DTP Integration package instead of the full DTP platform.
How to install BIRT DTP Integration
On the BIRT website, perform the following operations:
1 Navigate to BIRT Downloads for build 4.3.1.
2 In the Framework section, choose DTP version 1.11.1 release.
3 Extract all files from the archive file to the directory that contains your Eclipse directory.
DTP feature and plug-in files extract to the eclipse\features and
eclipse\plugins directories.
4 Start Eclipse from the command line with the -clean option.
To test the BIRT DTP Integration package, open the Report Design perspective in Eclipse, as described in the following procedure.
How to test the BIRT DTP Integration installation
1 Start Eclipse.
2 From the Eclipse Window menu, choose Open PerspectiveOther. In Open Perspective, choose Report Design. Eclipse displays the BIRT Report Designer perspective.